Friday, September 24, 2004

What is Freedom?

What is Freedom?

What is this liberty, whose very name makes the heart beat faster and shakes the world . . .1

Freedom is a major theme in the scriptures. James said that the Gospel is the "perfect law of liberty". 2 Paul told the Corinthian Saints that "where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty" 3 and admonished Galatian Saints to continue to "stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free." 4 Christ himself told his believers that if they continued in his word they would know the truth and the truth would set them free. 5 Numerous other scriptures could be cited that portray the idea that the purpose of the Gospel is to free man from captivity, liberate him, and with the proper exercise of free agency, exalt him. 6

Freedom, as understood by probably most Americans of the Eighteenth Century, consisted of the ability to exercise what they termed inherent and inalienable rights. 7 These "rights" when consolidated into their basic forms consist of at least three basic rights, basic elements of freedom: Life, Liberty and Property. Truth or Knowledge, although not mentioned by our Founding Fathers as such, can be considered another essential element of freedom. After all, was it not Christ who said that knowing the truth can set you free? 8

To exercise Freedom you must possess:

  1. Some degree of physical or mental health and strength--the attribute of LIFE
  2. Personal freedom of mobility to change one's location, situation, occupation or habitation according to will--the attribute of LIBERTY
  3. Ownership and control of property consisting of the free use, enjoyment and disposal of one's acquisitions--the attribute of PROPERTY
  4. The requisite knowledge to achieve your desired results--the attribute of KNOWLEDGE or TRUTH
It follows as a logical matter of course that freedom can be increased or diminished by adding to or taking from the amount or quality of these four essential elements.


1. Frederick Bastiat,The Law, pg. 51.

2. James 1:25.

3. 2 Corinthians 3:17. (see also Alma 61:15)

4. Galations 5:1.

5. John 8:31-32.

6. See for example, Isaiah 58: 6; Exodus 21: 2; Luke 4: 18.

7. See the Declaration of Independence.

8. Also consider these comments by Ezra Taft Benson concerning the attribute of Truth: "Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32). In these words the master pointed out that the fundamental characteristic of Truth is freedom. Every fundamental principle of Truth, properly applied, will free man from doubts, from fears, suspicions, prejudices and those qualities which make for misunderstanding, pride, lust and selfishness. Every principle of truth in its own domain can free man to achieve the greatest good, the most majestic nobility of which he is capable. Each new truth challenges man to greater achievement and service. Using this simple standard you may examine each issue with confidence. It matters not whether the inquiry at hand be a consideration of politics, science, ethics, or religion. If it is a true principle it will stimulate man to greater achievement of the kind which builds true character and lasting inward security. (Ezra Taft Benson, Church News, Jun 13, 1953)

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